In this blog, I'm going to be looking at two similar "Fad" diets and I'll be giving my criticisms of each diet and my comparisons between the two, along with the Pros and Cons of both diets.
Atkins Diet
The Atkins diet is a low carb, high protein and high fat diet aimed at weight loss. It requires 4 phases:
Phase 1: Eating protein, fats & only 20g of carbs a day. This will encourage Ketosis - where your body starts to turn to your fat stores for energy rather than glycogen
Phase 2: Slowly beginning to add carbs back into your diet at around 5g per day or so - in order to gather how many carbs you can consume while still losing weight at a consistent rate
Phase 3: When you're close to hitting your target weight, start to add a few more grams of carbs daily to slow down your rate of weight loss until you hit your goal
Phase 4: You should be aware of how many grams of carbs you can consume in order to maintain your weight. Maintain that level in order to keep your weight low
The Atkins diet is typically where you'd consume high protein from meats, dairy and other products, as well as healthy saturated and unsaturated fats such as Avocado and nuts, while avoiding processed carbs (such as white rice and pasta) and carbs high in starch and sugars (such as fruits and certain vegetables). It's worth noting that you can still undertake the Atkins diet as a Vegetarian or Vegan and consume Soy foods, legumes & seeds for protein sources. If the above version of the Atkins diet, (known as Atkins 20) is too intense, you can also opt for the Atkins 40 diet which limits you to 40g of carbs a day and a broader option of carbs to choose from in the 1st phase of the diet.
Ketogenic Diet
Now the Keto diet is essentially the same as the Atkins diet - the only difference being that you'll recruit a low carb diet without adding carbs back into your diet. This low carb high fat diet means that your body becomes very efficient at burning fat for energy (Ketosis), and converts fat into Ketones which can be supply energy for your brain. There are different variations of a Keto diet, including:
Standard: Typically 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs
High protein: 60% fat, 35% protein and 5% carbs
Cyclical: Same as a standard Keto diet, but you'll include carb re-feed days where you'll add in more carbs. This is popular amongst bodybuilding competitors or fitness individuals getting ready for professional photoshoots
What are the pros of Atkins and Keto Diets?
Both Atkins and Keto diets have health benefits in regards to weight loss, obesity, diabetes, reduced blood pressure, promotion of healthy Cholesterol and more. The reason being because both of these diets are modernised variations of fasting. If we go back about 100 years to the studies of DR Henry Geyelin, we find that fasting had a major effect on the reduction (or even cure) of diseases such as Epilepsy. When you fast, two things happen in your body: blood sugar (glucose) levels drop, and ketones (energy-converted fat) rise - being in this ketogenic state is what helps to elicit results in fighting illnesses.
This ketosis state that both diets promote allow for a secondary source of energy for the body, namely the Mitochondria (the part of your cells which converts oxygen into ATP),
to use when its primary source of glucose can't produce the right type of energy. This would be in cases such as Insulin Resistance or pre-diabetes where your cells can't absorb glucose, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other forms of deficiencies.
In regards to cancer and cancerous cells which tend to be 10x higher in Insulin receptors, but don't have the ability to metabolise fats for growth. Simply put, this means cancerous cells are 10x more likely to feed off glucose, while not utilising Ketones for growth, so a more ketogenic diet is used to treat those with cancer in a hope to starve cancerous cells of its growth throughout your body.
What are the cons of Atkins and Keto Diets?
With a Keto diet being high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carbs and fibres, there comes a few drawbacks. Lack of fibre in your diet can lead to constipation, and low carbs mean lower energy levels in the short term as it takes your body longer to break down fat for energy. A Keto diet means that your body has to STAY in a state of Ketosis, meaning that a strict diet has to be maintained. Eating foods with hidden sugar or fibre content, such as when you eat out at restaurants, can easily trigger your body out of a state of Ketosis, which will start to have adverse effects on your body. This also goes for having too much protein in your diet - your body can begin to use protein for glucose (Gluconeogenesis) and prevent your body from staying in a state of Ketosis.
With the Atkins diet being high in protein & fat, even though there's still low carb levels there's a bit more balance in your macronutrient intake when you start to increase your carb intake during phase 3, which regulates more balance in your diet and allows your body to use glucose, its natural source of energy, for fuel consumption. This will help you to maintain your levels of strength while weight lifting, in comparison to a Keto diet. However as you're not in a state of Ketosis for good in an Atkins diet, your body will still be using low levels of glucose for energy stores, or even use your protein intake for glucose instead, which will have adverse effects on your energy levels, concentration levels and muscle growth. In addition to this, as your body is not fully in a state of Ketosis, all the pros of being in a Ketosis state are diminished. This could mean the benefits of lower insulin sensitivity and the ability to burn fat for energy aren't as prominent.
In essence, both diets being targeted towards weight loss will prohibit any muscle and strength gains.
If you have any questions, send an e-mail to MOB FIT at